Resource: Creation Health
Creation Health is a resource produced by Florida Hospital (owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church). CREATION is a clever acronym which reflects our traditional Adventist Health Message.
C – Choice
R – Rest
E – Environment
A – Activity
T – Trust
I – Interpersonal Relationships
O – Outlook
N – Nutrition
We have a facilitators kit available to hire (order here) or we can help your church purchase their own kit (exchange rates vary the price so contact us and we can talk about price and Conference Subsidy). To understand more about this comprehensive and professional program (including the training that is available), read more below, visit to see the resources and then contact the NNSW Adventist Health team.
HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS CREATION Health is a faith-based wellness plan complete with lifestyle seminars and a special training program for those who what to teach and start their own wellness ministry. This website is also your “go-to” resource for ongoing support after your training so you can live life to the fullest as God intended when He gave us the ideal plan for living in the Bible’s Creation Story.CREATION Health is God’s plan for living. This wellness program is based on Biblical principles found in the Creation story and supported by evidence-based science. Learn the best practices of whole person living – mentally and physically along with a strong focus on spirituality and faith.
Each letter in the CREATION acronym will help you remember the eight guiding principles of wellness and longevity as you embark on the creation of a new you!
What you will find here is an extensive wellness library, health news, daily tips, videos, mobile apps, recipes, books, devotionals, self-assessment tests, wellness calculators, seminar training aids, promotional items, online training and a community of like-minded people where you can share your success stories and ideas.
With so much information out there it can get overwhelming and hard to know where to start. That’s why we created a step-by-step plan you can follow. You can participate in CREATION Health in different ways.
- You may want to teach CREATION Health by becoming a Certified Seminar Leader.
- You may have come here as an individual to learn how to live the CREATION Health lifestyle by attending one of our CREATION Health Seminars.
- You can become a CREATION Health member by signing up for email updates, text messages, iPhone App and taking advantage of ongoing support of our social networking community.
HOW CAN I START TEACHING?You can get started implementing your own wellness program at CREATION Health Institute. We offer Seminar Leader Online Training along with all of the training aids you’ll need to conduct a successful seminar.
Course Materials
This all-in-one kit contains the tools you need to conduct a successful seminar. It includes your Online Training, PowerPoints, Videos, Seminar Leader Guide, Seminar Personal Study Guide, Small Group Kit for follow-up life group training, CREATION Health Discovery Book and a tote bag – 21 tools bundled together for your best value. For your students this kit offers sixteen lessons– eight seminar lessons and eight small group lessons.
Online Training
Plus, our Seminar Leader Online Training is really two courses in one. It contains the CREATION Health lifestyle course while you learn how to present it. It will teach you how to present the eight-part curriculum in 9 lessons – 11 hours.
Seminar Promotion
We will also help you promote your seminar online to help you spread the word. You can also order promotional items for effective seminar marketing including: Posters, Post Cards, Bulletin Inserts, Shirts, Letterhead, Giveaway Items, Table Cloths and Pop-Up Banners.
As an individual you may want to simply learn how to live the CREATION Health lifestyle. You can do this by taking our online training or finding a seminar near you.
There may be a CREATION Health seminar near you through your church, hospital, community, local school or university. Soon we will be advertising seminars so you can search for a seminar by location and date.
Online Course
Coming soon! We will be adding the CREATION Health lifestyle course to our CREATION Health Institute curriculum. In the meantime you are welcome to take the Seminar Leader Training course because the CREATION Health lifestyle course is included in the online course.
Creating healthy habits is an ongoing process takes proactive perseverance informed pursuit, and a some fun and inspiration along the way. We help you every step of the way. As a CREATION Health member you have access to tips and reminders on the website, via email, text messages and mobile applications for iPhone and Android.
We will supply you with tips, recipes, videos, virtual vacations, devotionals, wellness news, events, and featured articles. We will keep you informed and on track in practical, entertaining and fun ways.
You will also have access to wellness calculators, a world-class wellness A-Z library, symptom checkers and more. Find out more about health issues for yourself and your family. You will find even more information on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
We offer healthy products at our Online Store. Check out our water bottles, inspirational music, healthy guides and assessments, and books on a variety of health and wellness topics.
So if you want to feel good, look great, live long and experience the healthy benefits of staying spiritually and socially connected – welcome to CREATION Health and live happily ever after!
CREATION Health You were born to live life to the fullest through the CREATION Health Lifestyle principles.
“…I have come that they may live life to the fullest.” -John 10:10.
God offers abundant life to anyone who wants to be fully alive today and forevermore. The Greek word He used for life is “zoe”, which means the absolute fullness of life…genuine life…a life that is active, satisfying, and filled with joy.
This is why CREATION Health takes a life-transforming approach to total person wellness — mentally, physically and spiritually — with the eight universal principles of health. Our CREATION Health Lifestyle has a long, proven history of wellness and longevity worldwide.
People just like you are making a few simple changes in their lives and living longer, fuller lives. They are staying very healthy are able to do the things they love we into their later years.
We’re here to let you know that now is the time to join them by trading in your bad habits for healthy ones. We will show you how.
Our unique commitment to our healing ministry as the largest non-profit faith-based healthcare institution in the world, and our proven healthy outcomes are featured in the study of the Blue Zones those places in the world where living to a healthy 100 years old is common.
We hope you will benefit from what we have achieved in our own Blue Zone in Loma Linda, California, the only Blue Zone in the United States as featured in National Geographic.
Further, in the last 46 years more than 150,000 people worldwide who live many of the CREATION Healthy Lifestyle principles were the subjects of two massive landmark studies by various universities and institutions with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute and the World Cancer Research Fund.
The proven results of this lifestyle on wellness and longevity are extraordinary. That is why we are compelled to share our way of life with you with that hope that you, too, can acheive the same successes in your own life by living the following CREATION Health guiding lifestyle principles to live your life to the fullest:
Choice is the first step toward improved health because people who believe they are in control over their own lives are healthier and live longer.R-Rest
Rest is good sleep and also taking time to relax. Relaxation lowers blood pressure and reduces stress.E-Environment
Environment is our external world but also affects what happens within us for the better or worst.A-Activity
Activity includes physical and mental conditioning. Our goal is to be active in mind, body and spirit.T-Trust
Trust in God speaks to the relationship between spirituality and healing. A link exists between faith and wellness.I-Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal relationships strengthen our well being. Social connection fortifies our resolve and improves our health.O-Outlook
Outlook creates our reality. Our mind influences our body and our attitude impacts our health.N-Nutrition
Nutrition is the fuel that drives the whole system. Small improvements and strategic substitutions produce profound results.You are here for a reason. Come with us now and start living your life to the fullest.